The expert argued there is a lot your nails can say about your health
A longevity specialist has shared that he closely monitors his fingernails, using them as a gauge for the speed at which he is aging.
When I think about aging, I tend to keep it simple: another birthday means I’ve aged another year—nothing to complain about.
However, Dr. David Sinclair, a longevity expert, notes that he pays particular attention to his nails to determine his aging process and, by extension, how much time he may have left.
In terms of health, most people seldom consider their fingernails. Instead, they often focus more on their overall fitness, heart health, lung function, and diet, just going about their lives.
Yet Dr. Sinclair, a genetics expert at Harvard Medical School, asserts that nail health is a crucial sign of how effectively your body produces new healthy cells.
He explained that a faster production rate serves as a protective factor against age-related decline.
The term “biological aging” refers to how old your body’s cells and tissues appear, based on their functionality.
It’s worth noting that this can differ from your chronological age.