Biggest male great white shark ever recorded in Atlantic Ocean discovered off US coast

Biggest male great white shark ever recorded in Atlantic Ocean discovered off US coast

The absolute whopper of a shark is being tracked

Among those creatures on the normal list, people will almost certainly be afraid of one of them. I’m covering spiders, snakes, mice, and, of course, sharks.

Even the smaller shark can be rather unsettling though, so it normally turns out that the larger the shark is, the more scary it is.

So get ready for increased anxiety levels as the Atlantic Ocean’s ‘biggest great white shark’ ever observed has been spotted off the US coast.

Named ‘Contender’, the ‘powerful’ male shark is noted to be the ‘ultimate ocean fighter’. Sounds like he’s about to participate in Gladiators; I know right?

Contender is a whopper. (OCEARCH)

First marked by the OCEARCH global shark tracker, Contender had its first ping on 17 January close the Florida-Georgia frontier. On Monday of this week even more south down Florida’s coast, it then pinged once more.

With a presumed weight of 749.79 kilograms and a length of 13.8 feet, the total whopper scales.

According to OCEARCH, having an ‘SPOT’ tag installed on Contender will offer important live data for roughly five years and enable researchers to monitor his activity and learn his migration patterns.


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